Monday, May 23, 2016

May 23 - 27

M - P.E./Media
T - Art/Music
W - Media - Yearbook signing
Th - P.E
F - Super Team Day - lunch from home

Math -
Students will:
11.21 - Solve division word problems with remainders.
13.3 - Convert among centimeters, decimeters, and meters.
13.4 - Measure perimeter to the nearest quarter-inch.  Add lengths in fractions of inches.

Reading -  Unit 10 - Week 1
Students will:
* Find and interpret clues in a picture.
* Draw conclusions based on picture clues and prior knowledge.
* Make inferences about pictures and text.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

May 16 - 20

M - Art/Music
T - Media
W - Como Planetarium/U of M field trip
Th - Music
F - Art, DARE, Adventures in Art

Math -
Students will:
11.19 - Solve division word problems with remainders.  Find the answer to divisions with remainders.
11.20 - Understand that remainders can be expressed as fractions.  Solve division word problems and interpret the remainder to give the correct answer.
11.21 - Practice dividing with remainders.

Reading - Unit 9, Week 3 - Fluency Week
Students will:
* Use characters' words and actions to determine what they are like and how they feel.
* Use effective expression to make their reading sound like talking.

Science - We will be learning about stars this week in science.

Friday, May 6, 2016

May 9 - 13

M - Media, DARE
T - P.E.
W - Music, DARE
Th - Art *Return books, DARE
F - P.E./Media, Adventures in Art

Math - Students will:
11.15 - Subtract like and unlike unit fractions.  Add, compare, and subtract fractions and solve fraction word problems.
11.17 - Explore the relationship between fractions and decimals.
11.18 - Understand improper fractions and mixed numbers.

Word Study - Unit 29
Students will:
• Understand that prefixes change the meaning of base words
• Understand that the prefix dis- means “opposite of, not”
• Understand that the prefix mis- means “wrongly”
• Understand that the prefix pre- means “before, earlier”
• Write spelling words and identify prefixes and meanings

Reading - Unit 9, Week 2 - Genre Study (Pourquoi Tales)
Students will:
* understand the features of a Pourquoi Tale
* read and analyze a Pourquoi Tale
* compare and contrast two Pourquoi Tales

Science - Students will learn the vocabulary associated with Moon phases: new Moon, first-quarter Moon, full Moon, third-quarter Moon, waxing, waning, crescent, and gibbous.

Friday, April 29, 2016

May 2 - 6

M - Music
T - Art *Return library books
W - Media/P.E.
Th - Art/Music
F - No School - Workshop Day

Reading - (repeat from last week as we didn't get very far!)
Unit 9, Week 1 - Make Connections/Identify Cause and Effect
Students will:
* Identify causes and effects in a picture and text.
* Identify and use the signal language for cause and effect.
* Make connections to understand a text.
* Learn strategies for analyzing questions and finding answers, clues, and evidence.

Word Study - Prefixes re-, un-
Students will:
• Understand that prefixes change the meaning of base words
• Understand that the prefix re- means “again”
• Understand that the prefix un- means “not”
• Write words with prefixes

Math - Going back to our unit on Fractions:
Students will:
11.9 - Use fraction strips to find equivalent fractions.
11.11 - Write equivalent chains and discover patterns with equivalent chains.
11.12 - Multiply to find equivalent fractions.
11.13 - Visualize a simpler fraction and simplify fractions.

Science - Study of the sun
Students will:
* Observe and record the path the Sun takes in the sky.
* Determine that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west.
* Learn that the Sun changes position in the sky from season to season.

Friday, April 22, 2016

April 25 - 29

M - Art * Return Books
T - Media/P.E
W - Art/Music
Th - Media
F - P.E.,  *1st Adventures in Art!

Reading - Unit 9, Week 1 - Make Connections/Identify Cause and Effect
Students will:
* Identify causes and effects in a picture and text.
* Identify and use the signal language for cause and effect.
* Make connections to understand a text.
* Learn strategies for analyzing questions and finding answers, clues, and evidence.

Word Study -
Students will:
• Understand that /k/ is spelled ck, ic, and x
• Hear the /k/ sounds in words • Determine which letters are used to spell /k/
• Write and identify words with /k/

Math - We'll be doing math review early in the week and then taking the MCA math test on Wednesday and Thursday.

Science - We will begin our science unit on the Sun, Moon and Stars this week!

Sunday, April 17, 2016

April 18 - 22

M - P.E./Media
T - Music/Art
W - Media
TH - P.E.
F - Music

Reading/Word Study - Because of our schedule for MCA testing, we will hold off on our next reading until until next week.

Math - The class will be spending time this week reviewing math concepts and vocabulary from throughout the year.

Social Studies - We will be finishing up our unit on Global Trade this week.

Friday, April 8, 2016

April 11 - 15

M - Art/Music
T - Media
W - P.E.
Th - Music
F - Art

Math - We will be taking a little break from our unit on fractions and will get back into it once MCA testing is over :)  We will also be jumping around in unit 13 (Measurement), I want to make sure I touch on a few skills that will be on the MCA's.
Students will:
13.1 - Measure with non-standard and standard units.  Use rulers to draw line segments to a given number of inches.
13.2 - Convert between yards, feet and inches.
13.3 - Discuss metric units of length.  Measure to the nearest meter, decimeter, and centimeter.
13.10 - Read temperatures in degrees Fahrenheit on a thermometer, discuss warm and cold benchmarks, and estimate temperatures.

Reading - Unit 8, Week 3.  Fluency Week, Readers Theater - How Davy Crockett Moved the Sun
Students will:
* Use the title and other clues to anticipate the mood of text.  Match their tone of voice to the intended mood.
* Demonstrate their understanding of the text through purposeful expression.

Word Study -
Students will:
 *Understand initial g usually has the hard sound when followed by a, o, or u
• Understand initial g usually has the soft sound when followed by e, i, or y
• Write and identify words with hard and soft g

Social Studies - Unit 9 - How Does Global Trade Affect Our Community?
Students will:
* Identify conflicting points of view about global trade.
* Describe a way global trade has changed life in a world community.
* Identify products sold in the local community that are involved in global trade.